Protection methods


The damage caused by Trichothecium roseum to the vineyard is not sufficient to require the implementation of special protection methods. Secondarily involved in Botrytis cinerea . We therefore advise you to implement the recommended measures to control gray rot, and in particular:
  • Improve the ventilation of the vegetation as much as possible in order to reduce its humidity (trellising well, removing leaves , thinning the bunches, controlling vigor).
  • Avoid conditions of persistent humidity on the canopy and bunches around and during the harvest period.
  • Harvest early if possible, before the berries are overripe.
  • Control the development of other pests in the cluster (phytophagous insects that produce honeydew - scale insects, pruinose leafhoppers; bunch worms; powdery mildew, etc.); they can cause damage to berries and thus promote parasitism by rotting agents.
Last change : 04/19/21