Methods of protection


  • Pull up abandoned vines near the plot: they represent potential sources of inoculum.
  • Use healthy woods in the nursery when making grafted plants.
  • Use less sensitive grape varieties ( sensitivity of grape varieties ).
  • Respect planting densities in order to obtain a well-ventilated plot of vines.
  • When pruning, remove as many excoriated branches as possible and burn them.
  • Control the vigor of the vine:
    • choose a poorly vigorous rootstock;
    • control fertilization, especially nitrogen, reduce it if necessary;
    • enherber.
  • De-stem the vines, and do not work in the vines when the plants are wet.
  • Observe the vines regularly to detect the first outbreaks.


 Periods of symptom expression


  • Use decision support tools (SESMA offers a "System potential ) model and / or take into account the opinions of plant health bulletins.
  • Apply chemical protection against excoriosis at the key period of vine sensitivity in the spring after bud break between stages D (bud blossoming) and E (first leaves spread) ( e-phy ). In organic, sulfur can be applied.


Treatments will be essential if excoriated wood is observed during pruning and / or during wet springs. Recuperative panels should be used which allow savings of up to 80% of the product. We should add that several anti-mildew fungicides have significant side effects with regard to excoriose.

Last change : 04/19/21