Fruit shape abnormalities
(deformations, microcracks, cracks, cracks, perforations, bites ...)
The effects of pests, abiotic stresses ... on tomato fruits can lead to their deformation. Figures 1 and 2 show some examples.
Figure 1 | Figure 2 |
In the presence of such symptoms, you can in particular make the following hypotheses:
- either parasitic
- des virus divers tels que Eggplant mottled dwarf virus (EMDV), Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)
- moth caterpillars
- various birds
- either non-parasitic
- Corky stalk scar
- Corky stylar scar
- Growth slits
- Faceted fruit
- Fruit "with zipper"
- Fruit cordiforme
- Fruit mucronnné
- Pointed fruit
- Microfissures
In this section, we have identified a certain number of anomalies, especially non-parasitic, linked to the effects of the environment and agro-cultural factors, on the appearance of the fruits.
Among these factors, the climate is predominant and in particular the temperature. For many years now, intensive tomato crops have been established early, out of season, at times of the year during which the climate is not favorable for flowering plants, but especially for fruit setting. fruits. Under these conditions and depending on the variety, crops (both under cold or insufficiently heated shelter and in the open field) will produce more or less deformed fruits on their first clusters. They may present facets, corky scars sometimes stylized or located in other places, or be nipple, strongly ribbed, pointed, hollow ...
Note that to overcome these poor conditions, growth substances are sometimes still used. Badly applied, they present some risks of phytotoxicity for plants and in particular the fruits which may also be deformed. If these symptoms are observed, it is advisable to ask the following questions: were the prescribed doses well respected? Was the treatment repeated on the same flowers? Was product applied to leaves and terminal buds? Was the application carried out under good conditions (temperatures not too low)?
In addition, let us point out that the use of such products can lead to leaf deformations and to the reduction of the surface of the blade (see the topic Various phytotoxicities ).
The use of herbicides, unfortunate shocks may also cause deformation on the fruit or symptoms considered as such. It will be the same for some genetic abnormalities.