Final diagnosis


mites 2
Leaf partially riddled with yellow dots and patches of the same color.  <i> <b> Tetranychus urticae </b> </i> (tetranic weaver)
La pullulation de <i><b>Tetranychus urticae</b></i> sur cette feuille est à l'origine de son jaunissement et de sa teinte terne. (tetranique tisserand)
Detail of chlorotic lesions on the upper surface of the limbus.  <b> <i> Tetranychus urticae </i> </b> (tetranic weaver)
Discreet webs have formed on the periphery of this chlorotic zucchini leaf with metallic reflections.  <i> <b> Tetranychus urticae </b> </i> (tetranic weaver)
<i> <b> Tetranychus urticae </b> </i>:
 a) during heavy infestations (here on zucchini), silky webs are observed which develop around the contaminated leaves;
 b) in these webs, we can observe the many yellowish mites.
 <b> Mite damage </b>
Mites 1
Tiny mites walk on the webs formed along the stem of this zucchini plant. <b> <i> Tetranychus urticae </i> </b> (tetranic weaver)
Tiny <i> <b> Tetranychus urticae </b> </i> mite eggs (tetranic weaver)
<b> <i> Tetranychus urticae </i> </b> of red color.  (weaver mite)
<i> <b> Tetranychus urticae </b> </i> of green color.  (weaver mite)