Methods of protection
- Pull up abandoned vines that are potential sources of inoculum.
- Use healthy wood when making grafted plants.
- Use less sensitive grape varieties. Note that Vitis vinifera , the European vine species, is susceptible to anthracnose, while some American species, such as V. labrusca and V. aestivalis , are good sources of resistance to this disease. Other species have also been reported as resistant: V. aestivalis , V. champini , V. labrusca , V. rupestris , V. shutleworthii , V. tiliafolia , V. vulpina , V. munsoniana , V. rotundifolia ...
- Respect planting densities in order to obtain a well-ventilated plot of vines.
- When pruning, remove as many diseased branches as possible and burn them. In addition, remember to also eliminate mummified fruits, clusters and tendrils that are sources of primary inoculum.
- Control the vigor of the vine:
- choose a poorly vigorous rootstock;
- control fertilization, especially nitrogen, reduce it if necessary;
- enherber.
- De-stem the vines, and do not work in the vines when the plants are wet.
- Observe the vines regularly to detect the first outbreaks.
- Apply anti-anthracnose chemical protection. Currently no fungicide is approved in France for this use. The key period of vine sensitivity is in spring in the weeks following bud burst. Let us add that this fungus is sensitive to many fungicides used to control other fungal diseases of the vine.