Methods of protection

  • Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilization and overly vigorous plants which favor the development of Hemiptera.
  • Evaluate the risks in season by counting populations. It is considered that there is a risk for a given plot when 100 larvae * are detected on 100 leaves for each generation of the insect.

* The larvae count is quick and easy, however the larva of the green leafhopper should not be confused with that of Scaphoideus titanus which is the vector agent of flavescence dorée and with that of the Italian leafhopper, a non-harmful species that the 'we find on the southern half of France. They are easily differentiated by their behavior: that of the green leafhopper is green or pink and moves rapidly diagonally, that of S. titanus is white and jumps, that of the Italian leafhopper is yellow and moves slowly and straight.

  • Apply insecticides * if necessary ( e-phy )
  • Promote the development of natural enemies of this leafhopper, such as the parasitoid wasp Anagrus atomus (Linnaeus, 1767)
    (Hymenoptera, Mymaridae) whose presence is favored by various plant species, such as dogwood, hazelnut and rosaceae. This insect lays its eggs in those of its host. Among the predators are bugs ( Anthocoris sp. , Orius sp. , Malacocoris chlorizans, see photo), spiders, ants and lacewings .


Last change : 04/20/21
Figure 1