Predatory beetles


  • Anthribidae

In this family close to weevils, Anthribus nebulosus Forster 1770 (photo) is an interesting auxiliary, because it is a predator of cochineals , in the adult stage as in the larval stage which is mobile (campodeiform larva).

  • Cantharidae

The Cantharis spp. (figure) are polyphagous beetles (caterpillars, aphids) as well as the tawny teleophore (figure), Rhagonycha fulva Scopoli, 1758.

  • Carabidae (carabes ou carabiques, ground beetles)

The ground beetles generally do not fly (the wings are absent) and move thanks to their large legs on the ground but also on the vegetation in search of prey. They are mostly active at night. Both adults and larvae are rather carnivorous, the latter generally not very visible because they live in the dark. These predators consume the eggs, larvae or adults of arthropods or molluscs living at ground level (slugs, snails, lepidoptera, beetles, mites, bugs and leafhoppers) or in vegetation. Most often, these insects produce a fluid rich in digestive enzymes, then sucking up the partially digested prey. In larvae, digestion is exclusively extra-oral.

Many species are observed in the vineyard, and some of them are considered to be indicators of the functional biodiversity of cultivated areas.

The carabics (figures) comprising the two sub-families of the Carabinae (ground beetle) and Cicindellinae (tiger beetle) of the family Carabidae ( determination key ). The larvae are not very visible because they live in the dark. These predators consume eggs, larvae or adults living at ground level (aphids, slugs, snails, lepidoptera or beetles). They are effective predators against Colorado beetle larvae and weevil nymphs. Thus we can cite Demetrias (Demetrias) atricapillus (Linnaeus 1758) and Dromius (Dromius) quadrimaculatus (Linnaeus 1758) (subfamily Lebiinae). Poecilus cupreus (Linnaeus, 1758) consumes the eggs of slugs such as Anchomenus dorsalis (Pontoppidan, 1763) which also consumes other small insects.

  • Coccinellidae (coccinelles, lady bird)

Depending on the species, ladybugs have varied diets. Known above all for their role in the regulation of aphid populations, carnivorous species (larvae and adults) can consume other prey such as mealybugs, leafhoppers, mites, etc., hence their role in the regulation of populations. certain grapevine pests. These predators may be specialized in one type of prey, but the majority are interested in several types of preferred prey and replacement prey. Platynaspis luteorubra (Chilochorinae) aphids

  • Driliidae

the larva of Drilus flavescens , GA Olivier 1790 (Drilidae) which lives in the shell of the pest.

  • Lampyridae

Among other predatory beetles we can cite the female glowworm, Lampyris noctiluca (Linnaeus 1767), an insect which is interesting in protection against snails (figure). The larva of this insect secretes an enzyme that will digest the prey before ingesting it. This predator tends to disappear due to nighttime pollution. and agricultural practices.

  • Staphilinidae

Staphylins are other beetles whose larvae and adults consume either slugs and underground pests (large species, figure), or small species that feed on phytophagous mites or dipteran eggs, and may be parasites in the larval stage of Diptera larvae.

large staphylins such as Ocypus olens (OFMüller, 1764) (Staphilinidae), Aloconota gregaria, Ocypus brunnipes, Ocypus olens Aleochara sp Anotylus insecatus Drusilla canaliculata Ocypus aeneocephalus Tasgius pedator Tasgius winckleri


Last change : 05/03/21
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