Final diagnosis

Potato mop top virus (PMTV)

Bright yellow arcs or rings on the bottom potato leaves of some cultivars infected with PMTV.  <i><b>Potato Mop Top Virus</i></b>
Shorter internodes at the top of a potato stem (“mop-top”).  <i><b>Potato Mop Top Virus</i></b>
Light green chevrons on upper leaflets of a potato plant infected by PMTV.  <i><b>Potato Mop Top Virus</i></b>
 Shorter internodes at the top of a stem (“mop-top”).  <i><b>Potato Mop Top Virus</i></b>.
Continuous internal necrotic lines in a potato tuber infected by PMTV.  <i><b>Potato Mop Top Virus</i></b>
External and internal symptoms of PMTV in potato tubers.  <i><b>Potato Mop Top Virus</i></b>