Final diagnosis


Lecanine scale (coccidae) with a hard shell and whose eggs are not contained in an ovisac.
Under the shell of <b> <em> Parthenolecanium corni </em> <b> females, several hundred eggs can be observed.
<b><i>Planococcus</i> </b> sp., the female body is pinkish and covered with a white powder.  <i> P.  citri </i> and <i> P.  ficus </i> can be observed on vines in the Mediterranean basin.
Larva of <b> <i> Parthenolecanium </i> sp </b>., At this stage the scale is mobile.
<em> Neopulvinaria innumerabilis </em> is recognizable by its cottony ovisac.
<em> Heliococcus bohemicus </em> Grapevine mealybug or gypsy mealybug belongs to the Pseudococcidae family.  Photo R. Sforza (INRA)
<em> Phenococcus aceris </em>, apple mealybug (apple mealybug) which belongs to the Pseudococcidae family is a polyphagous species found on vines.