Extensive, dry cankered lesion on the lower part of the stem of an eggplant plant.  Note the decomposition of the tissues of the cortex.
  <i><b>Rhizoctonia solani</i></b>
Detail of a dry, extensive canker lesion on the lower stem of an eggplant. Note the decay of the cortex tissue.
 <i><b>Rhizoctonia solani</b></i>
Bursting of the stem of an eggplant plant on its lower part close to the ground.  <i><b>Rhizoctonia solani</b></i>
Detail of a stem burst on an eggplant plant on its lower part near the ground. <i><b>Rhizoctonia solani</i> </b>
Extensive, dry cankered lesion surrounding the lower part of the stem of an eggplant plant.
  <i><b>Rhizoctonia solani</i></b>
Appearance of the septate mycelium of <i>Rhizoctonia solani</i> observed under a light microscope.
We also note on the mycelium of <i><b>Rhizoctonia solani</i></b> a slight constriction at the level of the lateral ramifications, as well as the presence of partitions.
<i><b>Rhizoctonia solani </b></i> 6