• Quae




basidium (pl. basidia) : club-shaped hyphal structure on which basidiospores are born

basidiomycete : member of a class of fungi that produces sexual spores (basiodiospores) on a basidium

basidiospore : haploid spore of a basidiomycete developing on a basidium

capsid : protein coat of viruses that forms a protective shell around the nucleic acid

canker : a necrotic (dead) lesion on a stem or branch

chlamydospore : thick-walled or double-walled asexual resting spore formed from hyphal cells or by transformation of conidial cells

chlorosis (adj. chlorotic) : yellow or bleached colour in plant tissue that is normally green; loss of chlophyll

cleistothecium : a spherical, closed ascocarp, opens at maturity

conidiophore : a specialised hypha on which one or more conidia are produced

conidie : a spore formed asexually, usually at the tip or side of a conidiophore

contamination : first stage of the disease development during which disease-producing agent invades the host

cortex (adj. cortical): tissue between the epidermis and the central cylinder in young roots and stem

cotyledon : embryonic plant leaf or seed leaf, serve as food reserve for the germinating seedling

cultivar (cv) : botanical variety originated under cultivation

Last change : 04/26/13