Protection methods

The protection methods to be implemented to control the development of Rhizopus stolonifer are well known to wine growers since they are mostly those recommended for controlling gray rot due to Botrytis cinerea . We therefore advise you to apply them, and in particular:


  • Improve the ventilation of the vegetation as much as possible in order to reduce its humidity (trellising well, removing leaves , thinning  the bunches, controlling vigor).
  • Avoid conditions of persistent humidity on the canopy and bunches around and during the harvest period.
  • Harvest early if possible, before the berries are overripe.
  • Control the development of other pests in the cluster (phytophagous insects that produce honeydew - scale insects, pruinose leafhoppers; bunch worms; powdery mildew, etc.); they can cause damage to berries and thus promote parasitism by rotting agents.
Last change : 04/19/21