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Protection methods

Several of the methods proposed for controlling Meloidogyne spp. can also be used to control many other nematodes, including Pratylenchus spp.

- During cultivation

No control method makes it possible to control attacks by Pratylenchus spp. on tomato.
If damage occurs in the nursery, affected plants should be removed. Otherwise, planting them in the field will help ensure the spread of nematodes and the contamination of healthy soils.

Tools used for tilling contaminated plots should be thoroughly cleaned before being used in healthy plots. It is the same for the wheels of tractors. Thorough rinsing of all material with water is often sufficient to free it of soil and nematodes contaminating it.

At the end of the crop, it will be imperative that the root systems of the plants are removed from the plot and eliminated, to avoid enriching the soil with nematodes.

- Next crop

To be effective, the fight against migratory endoparasitic nematodes, as for root-knot nematodes, must involve, in a complementary manner, all of the control methods proposed below.

The rotation crop s should be chosen wisely, given the many potential hosts of these nematodes. Often, however, they only offer very limited action. Spinach, beets and cucurbits are said to be relatively tolerant to Pratylenchus penetrans, while onions appear to be extremely sensitive. Sorghum spp., Tagetes spp., Members of the mustard family and Agrostis palustris would limit its development. Asparagus does not seem to harbor it. Winter fallows would reduce soil nematode population levels.

It will be essential to use healthy plants . They will preferably be produced on tablets and in a disinfected substrate. They can be placed on the ground provided that the latter is covered with a clean plastic mulch and not torn. If you have any doubts about the quality of the soil in your nursery, it will need to be disinfected. Several nematicide products can be used.

In countries where there is a sunshine, disinfection by solarization lot of may be considered, in particular to clean up the plots at a lower cost. This technique is detailed in the Meloidogyne spp. .

Resistance of tomatoes to Pratylenchus spp. do not seem to have been researched, probably because of their low incidence on this nightshade.

Last change : 04/13/21