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Spongospora subterranea
(Wallr.) Lagerh., (1892)


Root tumors caused by Spongospora

- Classification: Protozoa, Cercozoa, Phytomyxea, Incertae_sedis_, Plasmodiophorids, Plasmodiophoraceae
- synonymy: Spongospora subterranea JA Toml., (1892) f.sp. underground
- English name: Spongospora root tumor

Spongospora subterranea , an obligate parasite , is an aquatic chromist best known on potatoes to cause powdery gall and as a virus vector. It is harmful and has been reported on this nightshade in many European countries, but also on other continents (United States, Peru, several African countries, Australia, India, Pakistan, New Zealand ). On tomato, its incidence is much more confidential. It is sometimes reported on roots, on plants cultivated in soil as well as in soil. Finally, the eggplant can host it.

In France , a few rare attacks have sometimes been reported, not to be confused with those caused by Agrobacterium tumefaciens (see sheet 23).

Last change : 07/08/21