The use of anti-insect nets in sheltered market gardening
- Location of the nets: at the level of the openings and the entrances (installation of airlocks).
- Choice of mesh: a compromise must be made between the size of the target pest and the avoidance of an unfavorable microclimate created with too fine a mesh.
- Maintenance of the nets: they must be cleaned from the inside with a jet of water under pressure.
- In addition to the laying of nets: greenhouses and tunnels can be covered with photo-selective films that disrupt the vision of insect pests present inside these structures and affect their ability to move and locate plants. The use of photo-selective films would also reduce the entry of insects into greenhouses (deterrent effect).
- Whitewashing of shelters and greenhouses: this must be carried out with care bypassing the anti-insect nets in order to avoid the clogging of the meshes.