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Phytophthora erythroseptica

(Pink rot)


  •  Causal agents and transmission


Several types of wet rot can be found on potato tubers. They are caused by various Oomycetes, belonging to the family Pythiaceae, such as Phytophthora erythroseptica, responsible for pink rot disease.


This pathogen can survive in the soil for several years as thick-walled oospores and has a wide host range on which it is often the cause of the damping-off of seedlings.

On potato plants, it penetrates the tubers through the wounds and via stolons, eyes and open lenticels.


  • Significance


 Though pink rot can be very damaging to potato crops, his occurrence in continental Europe is fairly uncommon. Nevertheless, due to elevated optimal growth temperatures (above 20°C), there is a small risk of the disease occurring in southern European countries.


Last change : 06/26/18