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Corynespora cassiicola (Berk. & MA Curtis) CT Wei (1950)

Corynesporiose (target spot)

(Anamorphe de Corynesporasca , Corynesporascaceae, Pleosporales, Pleosporomycetidae, Dothideomycetes, Ascomycota, Fungi)

This fungus, sometimes confused with a Helminthosporium , is quite widespread in the world. It is serious on tomato in several tropical or humid subtropical countries in America (United States, Brazil, Mexico, etc.), Europe (Romania, etc.), Africa (Nigeria, etc.), India, Asia ( Japan, Taiwan…) and the Caribbean (Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Trinidad…). It is not rife in France. It is observed in the open as well as under shelters.
Extremely polyphagous, it is recorded on more than 145 botanical genera belonging to at least 53 families. Certain strains nevertheless have a certain parasitic specificity. In tomatoes, this is partly due to the production of a phytotoxin.


Last change : 04/13/21